“Thanksgiving is a Thanksgiving anyway you look at it” Private Aaron Gould wrote to his father, Owen Gould of Lapwai, Idaho, in this letter on Thanksgiving Day 70 years ago. Pvt. Gould of A.T. Co., 414th Infantry, A.P.O. # 104, was stationed “somewhere in Germany” late in 1944. His unit had caught a goose and had some potatoes for their feast, but the goose was so tough that he thought he had fractured his jaw and another of the men had broken his false teeth. Despite the horrors of war, he wrote he still had plenty to be thankful for. Sadly, Pvt. Gould was killed in action on December 9, 1944, just 17 days after this letter was written.
MG 332, Aaron R. Gould Letters, 1940-1944