About the Harvester
The Idaho Harvester features the most interesting and unique materials from the University of Idaho Library’s Special Collections and Archives.
We write about the images, stories, and historical narratives that catch our attention. Some posts are lengthier, dealing with complex subjects regarding Idaho history, industry, and the university, while others are shorter celebrations of notable days, people, and events.
We are excited to share the fascinating content we come across during our daily work and to share our institutional knowledge in context with the library’s digital collections and with the working collection contained herein.
This blog represents the thoughts and interests of our past and present staff in Special Collections and Archives. To view an individual’s work, please click on link below:
- Courtney E. Berge
- Ariana Burns
- Special Collections Contributors
- Rebecca Hastings
- Dulce Kersting-Lark
- Kelley Moulton
- Robert E. Perret
- Michelle A. Shannon
- Zoe Stave
- Sara Szobody
- Amy J. Thompson
- Andrew Weymouth
Contact Us
We’re available 8am - 5pm, Monday - Friday to answer inquiries via email or phone.
- Phone: (208) 885-0845
- Email: libspec@uidaho.edu
- Visit: Reading Room, Library room 121
Technical Credits - CollectionBuilder
Idaho Harvester is a frankenstein's monster. It is built using pieces of the Beautiful Jekyll blog theme embedded into CollectionBuilder, an open source tool for creating digital collection and exhibit websites that is developed by faculty librarians at the University of Idaho Library following the Lib-STATIC methodology.
Using the CollectionBuilder-SA template, the Beautiful Jekyll template, and the static website generator Jekyll, this project creates both a blog and a digital collection.