Sara Szobody

45 Posts

John Lorenzo Aram

John L. Aram at U of I
The newly processed John Lorenzo Aram papers contains photographs, newspaper clippings, diplomas, certificates, and some genealogical history of the Aram family. John L. Aram was a University of Idaho alum, graduating in 1936 with a B.S. in Business. Later in life he worked for the Clearwater Unit of Potlatch Forests,... [Read More]

Marie Whitesel

Marie Whitesel and Artwork
In the mid-1930s, Marie Haasch Whitesel came to Moscow to attend the University of Idaho. Her goal was to pursue a career in art. From the moment she came to the university, Marie was constantly on the move. She busied herself by participating in various campus organizations and events. Marie... [Read More]

Warren H. Bolles

Camp Log
Warren H. Bolles was born on December 13, 1899 in Collins, New York to John and Harriet (Merill) Bolles. As a young child, Warren had a love for all things outdoors. He could always been found wandering the land, and went hunting, trapping, and fishing. In 1919, with encouragement from... [Read More]

Irving H. Rauw

Associated Foresters
In 1936, Irving Harold Rauw started his higher education at the University of Idaho to study forestry. During his university years, he was an active student on the Moscow campus. He was a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity, was on the Vandal swim team, and was a member... [Read More]

Dianne S. Milhollin

Dianne Milhollin
In 1977, Dianne S. Milhollin became the first coordinator of the Student Disability Services subdivision. This service fell under the Student Advisory Services department and was a result of the Rehabilitation Act in 1973. This act ruled that all federally funded institutions must provide accommodations to all programs for students... [Read More]

Raycide Mosher's Civil War Letters

Letter Nine with Envelope
On this day in 1864, 24 year old Raycide Mosher wrote a letter to his parents from the Union Army barracks in Detroit, Michigan. Mosher enlisted in company A, 1st Regiment of Michigan Engineers and Mechanics on December 14, 1863. He signed up for three years of service, and would... [Read More]

Fossils Close to Home

Specimen Examples
Fossils are found all over the world, including the state of Idaho. Here the specimens collected are typically from the late Pliocene (5.4-2.4 million years ago) and Pleistocene (the Ice Age). Examples of this can be seen at the Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument in Hagerman, Idaho. This historic area... [Read More]