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Latah County Historic Places

The Latah County Historic Places digital collection is now live! This exhibit was a collaboration between the Latah Preservation Commission (LPC) and the University of Idaho Library. Each site was selected and described by commission volunteers, originally for the printed Latah County Historic Sites Touring Map. The map was developed in 2004 and updated in 2013 and 2018. In 2023, the commission once again revised site descriptions to reflect changes in building use or ownership.

American Legion Cabin [02]
American Legion Cabin [02]
American Legion Cabin [01]
American Legion Cabin [01]

The printed map was not able to include photographs of the sites, and it was difficult to widely distribute copies of the publication to county residents and visitors. This digital version of the touring map includes contemporary photos of each location as well as historic images to illustrate the ongoing significance of the highlighted structures and landmarks.

Latah Preservation Commission Touring Map
Latah Preservation Commission Touring Map
Map Page
Map Page

A majority of the contemporary photos were taken by Cameron Nielsen, while completing a fellowship with the Library’s Special Collections and Archives department.

Cameron Nielsen
Cameron Nielsen

Donors to the Library Dean’s Excellence Fund made the project possible. Significant volunteer assistance was also provided by members of the Latah Preservation Commission. The LPC works to preserve, promote, and educate the public about the historic physical fabric of Latah County, Idaho.

Kappa Sigma Fraternity, Gamma Theta Chapter [01]
Kappa Sigma Fraternity, Gamma Theta Chapter [01]
Kappa Sigma Fraternity, Gamma Theta Chapter [02]
Kappa Sigma Fraternity, Gamma Theta Chapter [02]

The above information came from the About page of the Latah County Historic Places digital collection.

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