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Happy National Handwriting Day!

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Personal letter

Here is my best guess at deciphering the letter:

“Fort Hall, Idaho

December 4th, 1879

My dear Ann,

I feel quite provoked with you, that you do not write me how Mary is getting along.  I have not had a line from you since Sam wrote me she was with you. I had a letter from Emma yesterday and she said Mary was much better, but still not a word comes from you.  I cant understand it.  Sam has sent me two copies of the “Raleigh Observer” but there can not be gleaned from there any thing in regard to home news.  I am down right mad, and when I get sick again I will just have a line dropped to you to that effect and then not much again for ages, and in that way give you something pleasant to think about; and at you enjoy the luxery of suspense.  How do you suppose I snatch even a moment from my domestic duties, am still without a servant and by love!  I don’t believe we shall ever get one; we have scoured the entire country, and no body turns up.  The old Squaw being my only stand-by, I guess I wrote you of her before, he name is “Rampigimeina”, but I call her by the affectionate name of Susy which causes her to grin immensely.  She doesn’t understand a word I say only through the dumb show of motions, I only know enough of their jargon to tell her when anything is done right, or wrong, if alright I say “Wyno” if wrong I say “Kay wyno”  She belongs to the Shosshonies whose agency is at “Ron Fork” fifteen miles from here.  There, there are about two thousand Indians who are fed by the Government and clothed also.  I should think that they could afford to preserve peace; but not with standing all the Agencies & provisions made for them they will kick up a rumpus once and a while.  Baby is not well he real delicate, I am afraid I don’t feed him enough and then his teeth trouble him too.  He sleeps in red flannel gowns, and those double gowns you sent me, it is very cold here, that dry penetrating cold that goes through me.  I hate the Madam as much as ever, talk about flirting if she don’t carry about the highest hand I ever saw, her beau stops in to see her whenever the husbands back is turned.  She fools the old jent awfully, she pleads with him to go out hunting and get some game, she is so tired of beef, just in order to have a dynare (?) time, anything to get him out of the way.  It is enough to make a cat laugh how she sees after the poor fellow.  Christmas in most here again, I expect a very dull one it will be for me this year.  I expect after all my scolding there is a letter on the way for me, but do write more often.  I hope Mary is improving rapidly by this time, and am longing to have a line written by her.  I know she will write me, as soon as she is able, and that is what worries me, this silence.  Lots of love to all.

Your affectionate sis,



MG 5761

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