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Vandal Giving Day

Series: Then and Now

We are still using old tables from when the Library used to be in the Administration Building. Here they are being used by our peer tutors, a service that offers our students drop-in homework help. We need to update our furniture to provide a learning environment that fully prepares students for the future.

Library, University of Idaho. [201-2]
Library, University of Idaho. [201-2]
Library, University of Idaho. Lounge area, ground floor. [122-98]
Library, University of Idaho. Lounge area, ground floor. [122-98]

We are still using old tables from when the Library used to be in the Administration Building. Here they are being used by our peer tutors, a service that offers our students drop-in homework help. We need to update our furniture to provide a learning environment that fully prepares students for the future. Please give today and help us meet the match challenge from our Library Advisory Board!

U of I Library interior
U of I Library interior


PG 1_201-2, 1917. PG 1_122-098, 1982. Today photo by UI Library Special Collections staff.

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