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University Search and Rescue


"Why USAR?: As more and more people throughout the U.S. go camping, hunting, or nature hiking, more and more people tend to become lost or disoriented. With its wilderness areas and unpredictable weather, Latah County is no exception; each year people venture out and do not return. These people need highly trained and equipped search and rescue personnel who can both find and treat them.

USAR acts as community educator by offering classes in survival, map and compass and first aid. This is done so that if people do become lost they will be able to stay alive until help arrives." - USAR handout


A 1978 article from the University of Idaho newspaper, The Argonaut, mentions that the course would be offered to those interested in January 1979 for a fee of $110. The training would consist of four days of classroom instruction and one day in the field with trained members of the Latah County Search and Rescue.

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