We are ending our Valentine’s Day posts with the poetic love of Come Swiftly to Your Love: Love Poems of Ancient Egypt, translated by Idaho born poet Ezra Pound and published in 1962. Not only is this book full of romantic verse, but it also has some pretty great illustrations.
If you are looking for a stanza or two to recite to a loved one, consider taking from the poem “Conversations in Courtship” where He compares her to ”A star coming over the sky-line at new year, a good year”
or where She is so caught up in her feelings she can’t pick out what to wear.
“My heart runs out if I think how I love him,
I can’t just act like anyone else.
It, my heart, is all out of place
It won’t let me choose a dress
or hide back of my fan.
I can’t put on my eye make-up
or pick a perfume.”
We hope we have helped you with your Valentine’s Day plans. For more inspiration on love and its many facets, be sure to browse our other collections.
Ezra Pound Collection, Pound PJ1945.P59