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Aviation or Photography?

It turns out that August 19th is National Aviation Day, but also National Photography Day. Rather than celebrate these individually, we thought we would combine the two and celebrate National Aviation Photography Day. How do you do this, you may ask? Aerial Photographs!!!

These fellas are getting ready to hop in their airplane to take some great photos!

Clyde Pangborn and Nick Mamer (pilots) [2]
Clyde Pangborn and Nick Mamer (pilots) [2]

The below aerial photograph of the Dworshak Dam site was taken by A. B. Curtis. Curtis was the chief fire warden of the Clearwater-Potlatch Timber Protective Association, many of his pictures depict forest management practices, forest fires and their effects, and forestry, recreational, and other events in areas administered by the Clearwater-Potlatch Timber Protective Association.

aerial view of the Dworshak Dam site looked like before construction, 1963


PG 13

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