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Inside the Cover: Hetch Hetchy Valley

Our current exhibit, A Book’s Nature: Artist Books by Peter and Donna Thomas, has incredible works of art on display. Unfortunately, such a display only allows for one or two pages of most books to be seen. Throughout the run of the exhibit, we will post some pictures from inside these books, so the art may truly be appreciated. 

The one-of-a-kind, Hetch Hetchy Valley, incorporates Donna’s beautiful watercolors, binding and calligraphy with Peter’s unique handmade paper. Beyond the artistry, this book includes the powerful words of John Muir. Muir is often referenced in the Thomas’ work due to is love of nature and influence on conservation efforts. Hetch Hetchy Valley quotes from John Muir’s "The Yosemite" published in 1912, highlighting the beauty of the valley.

"Yosemite is so wonderful that we are apt to regard it as an exceptional creation, the only valley of its kind in the world, but Nature is not so poor as to have only one of anything. Several others yosemites have been discovered in the Sierra."

"...Hetch Hetchy Valley, far from being a plain, common rock-bound a grand landscape garden, one of Nature’s rarest and most precious mountain temples."

Though Hetch Hetchy Valley may not have the same wonder as hiking through Yosemite, its beautiful illustrations and apt quotes are a wonder unto themselves.

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