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Other Faces, Other Lives - Asian Americans in Idaho

Diverse Collections

This week’s edition of Diverse Collections features the VHS documentary, “Other Faces, Other Lives: Asian Americans in Idaho.” In this documentary, eight Asian American families (specifically Chinese, Japanese, and Filipino) were interviewed and asked how they or their families came to Idaho. They were also asked about their experiences living in Idaho - whether they faced discrimination or prejudice, how they raised their children in the environment, any changes they have seen regarding Asians in Idaho, and how they felt about intermarriages. Other interview topics included maintaining their native cultural heritage practices and identity, and if there were any benefits of living in Idaho as an Asian American.

"Other Faces, Other Lives: Asian Americans in Idaho"
"Other Faces, Other Lives: Asian Americans in Idaho"

This documentary was sponsored by the Palouse Asian American Association of Moscow/Pullman with the assistance of a grant from the Ethnic Heritage Committee of the Idaho Centennial Commission. Lily Wai was the project administrator of the project. Wai, a faculty Librarian at the University of Idaho Library, was not only instrumental to this documentary project, but was involved in several other projects aimed at preserving and making accessible the histories of Asian communities in Idaho.


Idaho E 184 O65 O75 1990

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