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Honoring our Veterans through Housing

The Lanham Act War Housing Program, enacted by Congress October 14, 1942, ensured housing for all in connection with national defense through the re-purpose of old or construction of new dwelling units. Title V of this act, approved June 23, 1945, focused on re-purposing or moving existing dwelling units for housing distressed families of servicemen and for veterans with families.

Veterans Housing North Main, University of Idaho. [120-1]
Veterans Housing North Main, University of Idaho. [120-1]

At the University of Idaho, a sharp increase in students returning from World War II and a lack of available on-campus housing caused UI President Harrison Dale to apply to the federal government for residential units both on and off campus, as supplied by the Lanham Act. While these campus dwelling units were not prestigious, they quickly became popular cooperative communities known as ‘Vet Villages.’

Veterans Housing Trailer Village, University of Idaho. [120-3]
Veterans Housing Trailer Village, University of Idaho. [120-3]


Images from top: PG 1-120-1, Veterans Housing North Main, 1947; PG 1-120-3, Veterans Housing Trailer Village, 1951?; HUD Document Appendix 31, Records Disposition Schedule 31; Keith Petersen, This Crested Hill

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