In 1925, when Gold Hunter Mining and Smelting Company was reorganized into Gold Hunter Mines, the property consisted of 12 patented claims (160 acres), a complete and modern plant with an electric hoist, two compressors, pumps, and a machine and blacksmith shop. The mill had a 400 ton compressor, including flotation process. In 1945 zinc flotation machinery was added to the plant. At the time of the reorganization the Gold Hunter was one of the major lead-silver producers in the Coeur d’Alene district. The main haulage tunnel was 7600 feet long and the shaft was 1500 feet deep. Soon after, a second shaft of 600 feet was dug. By 1953 Henry L. Day had become president of the company which then consisted of 11 patented claims and four patented millsites that had been operating at a loss for some time. In 1961 Gold Hunter Mining Co. merged into Day Mines, Incorporated, thus ending its corporate existence.
PG 8_B493 Gold Hunter Mine, Mullan, Idaho, c.1906.