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National Pet Day

Series: IJC
Lionel Hampton and his dog on piano, 10 July 1946

For National Pet Day we wanted to share these images of Lionel Hampton with his little Scottie, Tempo. In 1946, Hampton celebrated Tempo’s 10th birthday of with some cake and some music. A note accompanying this photograph reads,

“Birthday Note. Hollywood. Lionel Hampton, well known swing band leader, plays ‘Tempo’s Birthday’ in honor of his Scottie Tempo who celebrated his tenth birthday recently. The cake and new jump tune that Hampton played were birthday tributes to the dog who has traveled everywhere with his owner and his band for the last decade.”

If you are curious as to what “Tempo’s Birthday” sounded like, you can view the sheet music here.

Lionel Hampton with dog, 1975

It may not be Tempo in this second photograph, but the other pup on Lionel’s lap from the first photograph. Either way, it certainly looks like these pups and Lionel had a great time traveling and playing together. If only all of us could bring our pets with us to work. On this National Pet Day we wish you and your pets the best!


Photographs courtesy of the Lionel Hampton Library Collection

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