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Senator James McClure Digital Collection

The Senator James McClure digital collection, developed in recognition of Senator McClure’s 100th birthday, includes a selection of materials from the University of Idaho Special Collections and Archives that reflect the life and career of Senator McClure (1924-2011).

James A. McClure, Ronald Reagan, and others with duck paintings
James A. McClure, Ronald Reagan, and others with duck paintings

This digital collection includes materials from the University of Idaho Special Collections and Archives’ collections related to Senator McClure, primarily the James A. McClure papers and the Senator James A. McClure collection. Senator McClure began donating his political papers to the University of Idaho Special Collections and Archives following his retirement in 1990. Additional materials have been donated in the time since.

Photograph of Sentaor James A. McClure
Photograph of Sentaor James A. McClure

Themes of this digital collection include: nature conservation and protection, specifically related to the creation of Hells Canyon National Recreation Area; energy; McClure’s senatorial duties and relations with constituents; and McClure’s post-senatorial career. McClure’s contributions to the funding and development of the University of Idaho are also highlighted.

Anyone interested in further researching Senator McClure’s life and career is invited to contact the University of Idaho Special Collections and Archives at

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