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A Splendid Tradition

This year the University of Idaho started a new annual tradition: Winter Nights Under Vandal Lights, a tree lighting ceremony with carolers to celebrate our faculty and staff.

Tree Lighting Ceremony
Tree Lighting Ceremony

It is remeniscent of a “Community Enterprise” organized by Dean of Women Permeal French to “revive the holiday spirit” in 1922. Singing has been a pasttime on the University of Idaho campus whether it be karoke, fight songs, or caroling, to name but a few.

Lighted Christmas Tree
Lighted Christmas Tree
Plans to sing Xmas Carols Will Revive Holiday Spirit
Plans to sing Xmas Carols Will Revive Holiday Spirit

French’s gathering was held in the Presidents’ Grove by the Spanish American War memorial–described as the Philippine War monument in the preceding Argonaut clipping. An old fir tree was decorated with lights and the carolers met three times to sing that year. On the first evening they went downtown singing.

Carols Sung by Idaho Students
Carols Sung by Idaho Students

In 1925, the Argonaut reported that music professor Bangs led the singers and they were accompanied by a brass quartette. French was quoted: “The singing of the carols is Idaho’s most beautiful and splendid tradition…something we know our parents would be glad to see.”

Carolers Downtown
Carolers Downtown
Student Carolers
Student Carolers

Formed in 1930, the Vandaleers continued this tradition, holding Candlelight Concerts in the University Auditorium.

Vandaleers Sing Christmas
Vandaleers Sing Christmas
Vandaleers at Christmas concert
Vandaleers at Christmas concert

The “Joys of Christmas Concert” was created by music professor Glen Lockery in the ’50s and was still going strong thirty years later. Music professor Tim King directed the 1991 “Joys” which featured the Presbyterian Church Geneva Handbell Choir, the McDonald Elementary School singers, the University Brass Ensemble, and the university choirs. The emcee was Theatre Arts Professor Fred Chapman.

“We’re really happy with the participation we’re getting,” sophomore vocal communications major Erin Walker said. “It’s great to see the little kids getting involved.”

The following year, King staged the performance in the Bruce Pitman Center parking lot. The Vandaleers recently performed with the Brass Chamber Groups at Winter Nights Under Vandal Lights.

A winter concert proved so popular, it was moved to the Kibbie Dome and finally the ICCU Arena. Now the “Holiday Jazz Choirs Concert,” led by Distinguished Professor Daniel Bukvich, showcases invited public school choirs, Univeristy performers, alumni, community members, and a local bell choir.

UI Holiday Concert
UI Holiday Concert


Alexander, Leslie. “Vandaleers prepared to spread Christman cheers this weekend,” 1991-12-13, The Argonaut Archive

“Carols Sung by Idaho Students,” 1925-12-18, The Argonaut Archive

Gem of the Mountains photograph collection, 1948-1968

“Plans to Sing Xmas Carols will Revive Holiday Spirit,” 1922-12-06, The Argonaut Archive

Trapp, Patrick J. “Christmas Concert featres variety of choirs,” 1990-12-07, The Argonaut Archive

“Vandaleers sing Christmas,” 1979-12-07, The Argonaut Archive

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